Health Benefits of Lemon


Health benefits of lemon include treatment of throat infections, indigestion, constipation, dental problems,fever, hair care, skin care, internal bleeding, rheumatism, burns, overweight, respiratory disorders, cholera and high blood pressure. Known for its therapeutic property since generations, lemon helps to strengthen your immunity system and cleanses your stomach. It is not only a blood purifier but also enables body to fight diseases. Lemon juice, especially, has several health benefits associated with it. Useful for treating kidney stones, curing heart strokes and reducing the body temperature, lemonade helps you to stay calm and cool.
Health benefits of lemon are due to many nourishing elements like vitamin C, vitamin B,phosphorous, proteins, and carbohydrates present in it. Lemon is a fruit that contains flavonoid, a composite that holds antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. It helps to preventdiabetes, constipation, high blood pressure, skin care, fever, hair care, dental care, indigestion and many other health problems. Studies conducted at the American Urological Association highlight the fact that lemonade or lemon juice can cure kidney stones by forming urinary citrate, which can prevent formation of crystals.
People use lemon to make lemonade by mixing lemon juice with water. Many people use lemon as a washing agent, as it can remove stains. Lemon can also repel mosquitoes.  Drinking of lemon juice witholive oil helps to get rid of gall stones. Lemon is well known for its medicinal control and is used in many different ways. As per the results reported in a study of Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, lemon provides human guard against inflammatory polyarthritis and arthritis.

Various health benefits of lemon can be described as under:
Indigestion and Constipation: Lemon juice helps to cure problems related to indigestion and consitpation. Add a few drops of lemon on your dish (take care lemon does not go well with milk), and it will aid in difestion. Lemon acts as a blood purifier and a cleansing agent. A good drink post lunch or dinner is fresh lemon soda (also called freshlime soda in many places). The recipe is add lemon juice, some coldwater, soda, salts (common salt or rock salt) and sugar/honey (if you want it sweet), and mix it in a glass. You can also add some mintleaves or crushed fennel seeds for added taste. Drink this whenever you have a heavy lunch/dinner. 
Fever: Lemon juice can treat a person who is suffering from cold, flu or fever. It helps to break fever by increasing perspiration.
Dental Care: Lemon juice is used in dental care also. If fresh lemon juice is applied on the areas of toothache, it can assist in getting rid of the pain. The massages of lemon juice on gums can stop gum bleeding. It gives relief from bad smell and other problems related to gums.
In addition, lemon can also be used in regular cleansing of your teeth. You can look for a toothpaste containing lemon as one of the ingredients, or add a drop of lemon juice on your toothpaste. Some people also rub their teeth with the outer shell (the inner side touching your teeth) of a lemon after removing the juice. Take care - if you mouth starts burning, quickly put some water in your mouth.

Hair Care: Lemon juice has proved itself in the treatment of hair care on a wide scale. Lemon juice if applied on the scalp can treat problems like dandruff, hair fall and other problems related to hair and scalp. Lemon juice if applied on the hair, gives a natural shine to hair.
Skin Care: Lemon juice, being a natural antiseptic medicine, can participate to cure problems related to skin. Lemon juice can be applied to stop sun burn also. It helps to get relieved from bee sting as well. Lemon juice can also be applied on the skin for acneand eczema problems. It acts as an anti ageing remedy and can remove wrinkles and blackheads. Drinking of lemon juice mixed with water and honey brings glow to the skin. If you search thoroughly in the market, you will find some soaps containing lemon juice also.
Burns: Lemon juice if applied on the areas of burns can fade the scars. As lemon is a cooling agent, it reduces the burning sensation on the skin.
Internal Bleeding: As lemon has antiseptic and styptics properties, it can stop internal bleeding. You can apply lemon juice on small cotton and place inside to nose to stop nose bleeding.
Rheumatism: Lemon is also a diuretic and can treat rheumatism and arthritis. It helps to flush out bacteria and toxins out of the body.
Weight Loss: If a person takes lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water and honey, it can reduce the body weight as well.
Respiratory Disorders: Lemon juice assists in curing respiratory problems, along with breathing problems and revives a person suffering from asthma. Lemon, being a rich rich source of vitamin C, helps in dealing with respiratory disorders.
Cholera: The diseases like cholera or malaria can be treated with lemon juice, as it acts as a blood purifier.
Foot Relaxation: Lemon is an aromatic and antiseptic agent and is useful in foot relaxation. Add some lemon juice in warm water and dip the foot in the water to get foot relaxation.
Corn: Lemon juice can dissolve lumps on the skin. It can be applied at the places where the skin has been hardened up. Drinking of lemon juice with water can facilitate the patient to get rid of stones.
Throat Infections: Lemon is an excellent fruit that aids in fighting problems related to throat infections as it has an antibacterial property.
High Blood Pressure: Drinking lemon juice is helpful for people suffering with heart problems as it containspotassium. It controls high blood pressure, dizziness, nausea as provides relaxation to mind and body. It reduces mental stress and depression.  
Lemon: Nature’s Boon - Lemon has proved to be nature’s boon to the entire mankind. It gives solution to many health related problems. It has its own set of antiseptic and natural medications. Make sure you eat atleast one-fourth or half lemon daily.

Health Benefits of Red Wine

Injuries and illnesses sometimes have a way of sidelining you right as you get into the swing of an exercise routine. Unfortunately, prolonged periods of sedentary behavior can lead to muscle wasting, bone loss and negative insulin responses that can lead to Type 2 diabetes.
While these problems don't happen overnight, even short periods of sedentary behavior can set you back a step. Interestingly, researchers may have discovered a way to help prevent these problems from occurring with a compound found in red wine—resveratrol.

The Research and Results

The weightlessness experienced by astronauts is one of the most detrimental effects of space travel, and scientists have been searching for years to offset the problems weightlessness can cause. In the span of just a few weeks, astronauts can experience tremendous muscle wasting and bone loss because gravity does not force the body to work. These same results are seen in earth-bound individuals who regularly lead a sedentary lifestyle. The problem in space, though, is that the exercises that offset these problems on earth, like weight lifting and walking, don't work in a weightless environment.
With this premise in mind, researchers set out to create a pseudo-weightless environment for rats. Over the course of the study, two sets of rats lived in a "weightless" setting. While one group of rats was given a daily resveratrol supplement, the other group was not. At the end of the study, the rats who were not given resveratrol experienced muscle wasting and loss of strength in the legs, loss of bone mineral density and the development of insulin resistance. The group that received resveratrol supplementation did not experience any of these side effects of weightlessness.

The results made scientists sit up and take note—resveratrol could help astronauts and individuals who are temporarily sidelined from exercise prevent the negative effects of sedentary behavior.

The Takeaway

This is not your excuse to become a wine-o, but it is another reason to drink red wine responsibly and in moderation. No matter how fit you are, or how important your exercise routine is in your daily life, there will be times when you simply cannot maintain your regular workout. When this happens, there's certainly no harm in drinking a single glass of wine or taking a resveratrol supplement. Just don't start looking at red wine as your backup exercise routine—as great as it is, nothing can replace the effects of the real thing.

Health Benefits Of Olive Oil

The health benefits of olive oil have been recognised by many ancient physicians like Hippocrates, Galen, Dioscorides, and Diocles. In recent years, modern doctors and nutritionists have realised that extra virgin olive oil, particularly, contributes significant nutritional value to human health.

You should not be too surprised if you read that people in the Mediterranean region, where the bulk of olive oil is produced and enthusiastically consumed, have reaped immense health benefits from olive oil.

Olive Oil and Cholesterol

  • Researchers at the University of Minnesota, for one, have discovered that while Greek, Cretan and other Mediterranean men consumed almost as much dietary fat as Americans, they had much lower rates of heart disease. The difference was attributed to the Mediterranean’s consumption of extra virgin olive oil, which is largely monounsaturated fat.
  • Researchers at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Spain found in a study that a diet rich in extra virgin olive oil helped to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and, perhaps more importantly, stimulated an increase in HDL (good) cholesterol.
  • Researchers at the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands discovered that simply following a low fat diet reduced total cholesterol but HDL cholesterol also declined; in contrast, a high fat diet based on extra virgin olive oil also reduced total cholesterol but HDL cholesterol actually increased.
This is all very good for those concerned about their cholesterol levels, especially the good HDL cholesterol, and the effects on the human circulatory system.

About Cholesterol

Cholesterol is not a water-soluble substance: it floats around in our bodies, attaching itself to proteins and making them lipoproteins. Two types of cholesterol are formed. LDL or low density lipoproteins, is the so-called “bad” cholesterol; it accumulates in bodily tissues and sticks to artery walls as plaque, causing arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) if left unchecked. The other type is HDL or high density lipoproteins, the “good” cholesterol, which helps prevent artery-clogging deposits. The levels of these two cholesterols are affected by the types of fat that we take in daily.

The structures of different fats are described as saturated, mono-unsaturated, and poly-unsaturated. Saturated fats come primarily from animal meats. They are thought the greatest damage to our health, because they increase levels of LDL resulting in arteriosclerosis.

Poly-unsaturated fats come mainly from vegetables, seeds, nuts, and grains. They lower the body’s overall cholesterol level, but to do so they reduce both LDL and HDL. You may want LDL lowered, but you would want HDL increased.  There are also tests indicating that in higher doses polyunsaturated fats may do more damage than good, increasing the risk of nervous system problems, brain synapse connectivity, gall bladder stones, and perhaps even cancer, unless their action is controlled by antioxidants.

Monounsaturated fats are found in varying amounts in all fats. They lower LDL but promote increases in HDL. Thus, the best oil you can use is that has little saturated and polyunsaturated fats content but has plenty of monounsaturated fats.

Fortunately, such an oil exists: olive oil. In olive oil you find some of the lowest levels of saturated and polyunsaturated fats, averaging only 10 to 15% for saturated and 8 to 9% for polyunsaturated. More significantly, olive oil has by far the highest level of monounsaturated fat among all oils, about 75% to 80%.
Effect of Dietary Fats on Cholesterol Levels
Found in
State at Room Temperature
Effect on Cholesterol Levels
Olives; olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil; cashews, almonds, peanuts, and most other nuts; avocados
Lowers LDL; raises HDL
Corn, soybean, safflower, and cottonseed oils; fish
Lowers both LDL and HDL
Whole milk, butter, cheese, and ice cream; red meat; chocolate; coconut milk, and coconut oil
Raises both LDL and HDL
Most margarines; vegetable shortening; partially hydrogenated vegetable oil; deep-fried chips; many fast foods; most commercial baked goods
Solid or
Raises LDL; lowers HDL

Olive Oil and Rheumatoid Arthritis

A study in Greece showed that people who had the lowest lifetime consumption of extra virgin olive oil had two and a half times greater probability of developing rheumatoid arthritis than those with the highest lifetime consumption. If you know somebody who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, you must be familiar with the pain and inconvenience it can cause. A rheumatologist of the Arthritis Foundation, which did the research, cites that adding olive oil to your diet could help you protect yourself against rheumatoid arthritis. And, the spokesperson added, since the type of oil consumed in Greece is extra virgin olive oil, that offers additional protection.

Olive Oil and Antioxidants

Among the major components of extra virgin olive oil are antioxidants. Olive oil provides beta carotene (pro-vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E) which are excellent buffers of acids produced in the gastrointestinal tract and those resulting from body metabolism. Extra virgin olive oil contains 88% of its vitamin E in the form of alpha-tocopherol, which is easily synthesised by the body. These are very important antioxidants that prevent the oxidation of LDLs. Such oxidation can cause damage to ordinary cells, nerve cells and arteries and lead to arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, or even cancer.

Olive Oil and Aging

Medical studies have indicated that diets which are deficient in vitamin E accelerate the breakdown of certain fatty acids, a process which invariably leads to aging. The vitamin E content in olive oil is thought to provide a defence against such effects, and thus help maintain mental faculties and muscular control longer and better. Among other benefits, the vitamin A helps prevent and minimise the development of skin wrinkles.
As we get older, our digestive capacity becomes markedly reduced resulting in more difficulty to absorb nutrients from food, especially vitamins and minerals. Olive oil is very digestible and its nutrients are easier to digest. It also has beneficent effects in aiding digestion and stimulating the appetite.
Another problem associated with aging – bone calcification – can be rectified by olive oil consumption. Studies have shown that a diet containing enough oleates as well as a moderate supply of essential fatty acids is needed for healthy bone mineralisation – a process that aids the developing bones in children and prevents calcium loss in adults.

Olive Oil, good for every body function

Olive oil is nature’s storehouse of many healthful nutrients like vitamins A, E, D and K. Other nutrients found in olive oil are:
  • Magnesium-rich chlorophyll encourages formation of healthy red blood cells.
  • Squalene, a precursor to phytoesterols, helps reduce acidity.
  • Phytoesterols (in the form of beta-sitosterol) assists in preventing cholesterol absorption.
  • Caffeic and gallic nutrients stimulate the flow of bile which helps alkalise food coming out of the stomach, reducing stress on the pancreas.
  • Phenolic compounds protect against fermentation of fats and cholesterol, and may promote higher production of fat-digesting enzymes in the pancreas.
  • Cycloartenol lowers the amount of cholesterol in free circulation and increases excretion of bile to mop up excess acidity and increase alkalinity of the food coming out of the stomach.
 Olive Oil has been shown to have beneficial effects on virtually every aspect of body function, development and maintenance, including brain development, bone structure, digestion, aging process, the condition of skin and hair, metabolism, and on plaque formation in the blood vessels.
There is so much scientific evidence now that establishes the health benefits of olive oil. You will be hard put to find any other food that has so many positive effects on so many different parts of the body and their functions.
These health benefits can be derived from all forms of olive oil; however, refined oils undergo a lot of high temperatures during processing which destroys or alters the antioxidants, and thus have very little, if any, vitamins left. In order to gain the maximum medicinal benefit, you should use only Extra Virgin olive oil.

Health Benefits of Bananas

They are high in fibre and potassium and linked to lowered blood pressure but the health benefits of bananas extend out to potentially strengthening bones and helping to keep your kidneys in good shape as well.Bananas are some of the most widely eaten fruits in the world, as well as some of the most readily recognized due to their distinctive shape and bright colors which, added to the health benefits of bananas, makes them a household stable. They are nutritious and readily eaten raw, and are mostly composed of sugars, such as sucrose, fructose, and glucose, in addition to fiber. As a result, they are among the best choices for a source of energy that gives both immediate boost and more prolonged boosts. There are a number of additional benefits to bananas that have been discovered in recent years that may result in a higher quality of life for people of all ages and backgrounds. The mindful consumption of bananas help people live healthier and more active lives through taking advantage of the energy and health benefits bananas can provide.

Health Benefits of Bananas

Eating bananas is a great way to promote healthy bones in both children and adults. There are many reports of the dangers of osteoporosis in older adults, particularly women who are past menopause, and there are a variety of prescription medications marketed to such people, but they are not effective in all cases. Similarly, for those in their formative years, there are numerous reports every year detailing the importance of building strong bones in children, whose skeletons are still in the developmental stage.
Bananas are among the rare fruits that can lead to increased bone strength in people both young and old. This is because they contain fructo oligo saccharide, which is a compound that feeds certain bacteria in the colon known as probiotics, or bacteria that contribute to our health. These healthy bacteria live in the gut and make enzymes that help us to digest food more rapidly and efficiently.
Probiotic bacteria are good because they also help to crowd out bacteria that are pathogenic, or damaging to human help. Because of the high amounts of fructo oligo saccharides found in bananas, probiotic bacteria in the body can increase in their functionality as well as in their number, which leads to an increase in the ability of the body to take in calcium.
Similarly, bananas that are green also contain short chain fatty acids, which are not digestible in the body. These short chain fatty acids, however, are helpful in that they are taken up by the cells that make up the stomach lining, which is called the mucosa. When these cells are healthy, they are then able to do a much better job of absorbing calcium into the body. Calcium, of course, is one of the building blocks of bones in both the young and the old, and a body rich in calcium will be a body with stronger bones that are less prone to fractures or decay.

Healthy Kidneys

Health Benefits of BananasStrong bones is an essential part of a healthy life, but these are not the only advantages that bananas confer to people who eat them regularly. The kidneys are another important part of the body that are positively impacted by regular banana consumption. Although people have two kidneys, the truth is that whenever one becomes damaged due to injury or unhealthy lifestyle habits such as excessive drinking, smoking, or weight gain, the other kidney will be affected too since they are part of the same blood supply and body.
This is illustrated by the fact that more than 190,000 cases of cancer in the kidneys are diagnosed every single year. The International Journal of Cancer has published numerous examples of research that indicate that consuming whole fruits and vegetables every day, such as bananas, is a good way to protect the health of your kidneys for the duration of a person’s life.
The studies indicate that women who ate at least 2 and a half servings of vegetables and fruits every day over the course of at least 13 years were likely to reduce their chances of contracting kidney cancer by more than 40 percent compared to women who did not eat as many servings of fruits or vegetables or who did not sustain such eating habits for the duration mentioned.
A range of fruits were shown to have positive effects on the kidneys, but perhaps the most protective fruit was the banana. The benefits continued to increase when women primarily ate bananas in comparison to other fruits. In fact, women who ate four to six bananas per week had half of the risk of developing kidney cancer compared to women who did not eat bananas.
As a result, frequently consuming bananas may be good for your kidneys. This is because there are high levels of antioxidant phenolic compounds in bananas, which help the kidneys detoxify potential cancer causing agents, or carcinogens, more effectively.

Blood Pressure

Beyond building strong bones and healthy kidneys, bananas also have positive effects on blood pressure. Blood pressure is one of the leading risk factors and indicators for heart disease today, and heart diseases is the single greatest killer of adults throughout the country today in the United States and throughout many other Western societies. Therefore, any measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of heart disease are worth looking into, and one of the most effective ways to lower a person’s risk of heart disease is to lower his or her blood pressure. This is where the health benefits of bananas come in.
As fruits that are very rich in potassium yet almost completely devoid of sodium, they are very well suited to preventing high levels of blood pressure from overcoming the body. The average banana will contain up to 500 milligrams of potassium yet only around 1 milligram of sodium. Since potassium has a lowering effect on blood pressure while sodium has a strengthening effect, this is a wonderful ratio to consume on a daily basis.
In fact, bananas have been proven to be so effective in reducing high levels of blood pressure that the Food and Drug Administration in the United States recently indicated that the banana industry could legally post official claims that the banana was capable of reducing the risks of stroke and blood pressure in adults. This is high praise, and consuming a banana a day is far cheaper than consuming expensive heart medication down the line. It is evident that  this cheap fruit could improve many aspects of life and the health benefits of bananas can and should be enjoyed regularly. 

Health Benefits of Onions

If you've landed here because you've heard of the health benefits of onions and you want to know more, prepare to be amazed.

If you weren't eating onions before, you will, after reading this article!

People have known of the health benefits of onions for thousands of years, but only relatively recently scientists have started to do a lot of research into the health giving properties of this humble vegetable, and guess what?

Studies after studies have confirmed that onions indeed possess many active compounds that have been proven beneficial for all sorts of conditions.
On this page you'll find:
  • Onions Nutritional Highlights
  • Onions, Rich Source of Quercitin
  • Detoxify Your Body with Onions
  • Onions and the Heart
  • Cancer Prevention
  • Other Health Benefits of Onions
  • Quick Serving Suggestions

Onions Nutritional Highlights

Onions are a very good source of vitamin C, B6, biotin, chromium, calcium and dietary fibre. In addition, they contain good amounts of folic acid and vitamin B1 and K.
A 100 gram serving provides 44 calories, mostly as complex carbohydrate, with 1.4 grams of fibre.
Like garlic, onions also have the enzyme alliinase, which is released when an onion is cut or crushed and it causes your eyes to water.
They also contain flavonoids, which are pigments that give vegetables their colour. These compounds act as antioxidants, have a direct antitumor effect and have immune-enhancing properties.
Onions contain a large amount of sulfur and are especially good for the liver. As a sulfur food, they mix best with proteins, as they stimulate the action of the amino acids to the brain and nervous system.

Onions, Rich Source of Quercitin

The onion is the richest dietary source ofquercitin, a potent antioxidant flavonoid (also in shallots, yellow and red onions only but not in white onions), which is found on and near the skin and is particularly linked to the health benefits of onions.
Quercitin has been shown to thin the blood, lower cholesterol, raise good-type HDL cholesterol, ward off blood clots, fight asthma, chronic bronchitis, hay fever, diabetes, atherosclerosis and infections and is specifically linked to inhibiting human stomach cancer.
It's also an anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral, thought to have diverse anti-cancer powers. Quercitin is also a sedative. So far, there is no better food source of quercitin than onion skins.
You don't need to eat loads of onions to achieve these effects. In fact, studies show that you can reap the health benefits of onions by eating just one medium onion, raw or cooked, a day.

Detoxify Your Body with Onions

Onions contain a variety of organic sulfur compounds that provide health benefits.
Sulfur-containing amino acids are found in onions as well as garlic and eggs.
These specific amino acids are called methionine and cystine and, among other things, they are very good at detoxifying your body from heavy metals.
In fact, they are able to latch on to mercury, cadmium and lead and escort them out of the body.
Vitamin C, also contained in onions, is excellent at detoxifying the body and is effective in removing lead, arsenic and cadmium. So increasing consumption of onions can help the body to get rid of these harmful metals.

Onions and the Heart

To help keep your blood free of clots, and make the most of the health benefits of onions, eat them both raw and cooked.
Prescribing onions for heart patients is hardly routine among cardiologists. But Harvard's Dr. Victor Gurewich advises all his patients with coronary heart disease to eat onions daily.
Here are some of the things that onions can do for your heart:
  • Boost beneficial HDL cholesterol
  • Thin the blood
  • Retard blood clotting
  • Lower total blood cholesterol
  • Lower triglycerides
  • Lower blood pressure

Cancer Prevention

different types of onions
One way the antioxidants in onions can protect you against cancer is by reducing the DNA damage in cells caused by free radicals, studies reveal.
All onions and onion relatives (garlic, leeks, chives and scallions, or spring onions) are rich in organosulfur compounds shown to help prevent cancer in lab animals.
In fact, an onion extract was found to destroy tumor cells in test tubes and to arrest tumor growth when tumor cells were implanted in rats.
The onion extract was shown to be unusually nontoxic, since a dose as high as forty times that of the dose required to kill the tumor cells had no adverse effect on the host.
In addition, shallots have been shown to exhibit significant activity against leukemia in mice.

Other Health Benefits of Onions

Onions have also been shown to have a significant blood sugar-lowering action, even comparable to some prescription drugs.
The active compound that seems to be responsible for lowering glucose works by competing with insulin for breakdown sites in the liver, thereby increasing the life span of insulin.
Onions have historically been used to treat asthma, too. Its action in asthma is due to its ability to inhibit the production of compounds that cause the bronchial muscle to spasm and to relax bronchial muscle.
Onions have potent antibacterial activity, destroying many disease-causing pathogens, including E. coli and salmonella.

Quick Serving Suggestions:

roasted onions
The liberal use of onions and other bulbs of the same family, such as garlic, leeks and shallots, seems a particularly good idea considering their healing effects on the major degenerative diseases so common today, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes and cancer.
So try to enjoy the health benefits of onions as much as you can and to include them in your diet in every possible way.
Here are some quick serving ideas:
  • Onions can be eaten on their own steamed, boiled or roasted.
  • Sautéed chopped onions can be added to almost any vegetable dish to enhance its nutritional content and taste.
  • For an instant vegetarian chilli, heat together 1 medium chopped sautéed onion, with 12-oz/350 g. can of kidney beans, 12 oz/350 g. of chunky tomato sauce, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and season to taste with chili powder.
  • Chop 1 red onion, 2 medium tomatoes, 2 avocados and 1 jalapeno and combine together for an all-in-one guacamole salsa dip.
  • Place chunks of onion or small pearl onions on a skewer, either alone or with other vegetables, coat lightly with olive oil, and grill for approximately 10 minutes.

I hope you enjoyed reading about the health benefits of onions and I've managed to persuade you to make room for onions in your every day meals.
As you've seen, you don't need to eat a lot, but any amount will be extremely beneficial to your health.

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Green tea is a natural remedy and it is beneficial for pain and other medical problems. The history of green tea can be traced down since ages. People used to have green tea during the ancient times; it is still as valuable and good as in ancient times. Numerous wonders are hidden in this herbal drink.

During my research I found out many benefits of green tea which are completely different from black tea.

What Are The Benefits of Green Tea?
Benefits of Drinking Green Tea!

What Are The Benefits of Green Tea?

20 Great Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

Why Should You Drink Green Tea?

During my research I discovered many sources which helped in losing weights, diets and fatness. I used many medicines although I knew the chemicals used in them will damage my liver. At last I had to use the traditional treatment. I also found out the benefits of green tea which are completely different from black tea.

Primeval Chinese people have used it for medical purposes as they knew green tea was favorable for health. Green tea is useful for headaches and depressions. Chinese history holds great importance for green tea. Leaves of Camellia Sinuses are used for producing green tea by some special processes. Green tea has a little amount of caffeine which causes insomnia, nausea and frequent urination.

Green tea can benefit in several ways.
  • 1
    Treatment of multiple sclerosis.
  • 2
    Treatment and prevention of cancer.
  • 3
    Helps in stopping Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • 4
    It is used in raising metabolism and increasing fat oxidation.
  • 5
    Reduces heart diseases and attacks.
  • 6
    Reduces the level of cholesterol in blood, improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.
  • 7
    Used in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular diseases.
  • 8
    It is used to treat impaired immune function.
  • 9
    Keep your teeth healthy and kills bacteria which causes the dental plaque.
  • 10
    Treatment and prevention of skin cancer.
  • 11
    Regular consumption of green tea can effectively delay symptoms of aging.
  • 12
    The people who take green tea regularly do not fall prey to common viral & bacterial infections easily.
  • 13
    Green tea increases stamina and boost endurance.
  • 14
    Aiding in proper digestion
  • 15
    Green tea increases hydration through the consumption of more water.
  • 16
    Effective in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
  • 17
    Reduces and prevents acne. Drink a cup of green tea regularly and you will not have acne problems.
  • 18
    Green tea reduces risk of thrombosis, arterial sclerosis, cerebral strokes etc.
  • 19
    It reduces the risk of esophageal cancer.
  • 20
    Green tea has certain vitamins that prevent abnormal formation of blood clotting in the wounds.

Health Benefits Of Almonds

The health benefits of almonds include getting relief from constipation, respiratory disorders, cough, hearth disorders, anemia, impotency, and diabetes. It also helps in hair care, skin care (psoriasis), and dental care.

Found in places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Israel, almond is a very nutritious nut.  It is a rich source of vitamin E, calcium, phosphorous, iron and magnesium. It also contains zinc, selenium, copper and niacin. Almonds contain the most nutrients in comparison to all other nuts.

Both sweet and bitter almonds are available. Usually, sweet almonds are edible and bitter almonds are used to make almond oil, which is used to add flavor to food. Almonds are usually eaten raw, but people also add them as ingredients in salads. Almond milk is a delicious drink.

You can eat almonds directly, preferably eat it empty stomach to ensure absorption of their nutrients. You can soak them in water overnight and eat in the morning. You can also garnish various dishes with crushed almonds.

Almonds are also known to have great medicinal value. Few of the benefits of almonds are given below.

Good for brain: Almond is a source of many nutrients which help in development of the brain. Almond induces high intellectual level and has been considered as an essential food item for growing children. Many mothers give almonds soaked in water to their children daily in the morning (2-3 pieces of soaked almonds are good enough, you can also remove the outer shell if it causes allergy to you.

Regulates cholesterol: Regular consumption of almonds helps to increase the level of high density lipoproteins (HDL) and reduce the level of low density lipoproteins (LDL), thereby effectively controlling cholesterol levels. LDL cholesterol is called bad cholesterol.

Good for heart: Mono-saturated fat, protein and potassium contained in almonds are good for the heart. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and reduces the risk of heart diseases. The presence of magnesium in almonds helps to avoid heart attacks. Almonds help reduce C-reactive protein which causes artery-damaging inflammation. Almond is also a source of folic acid. They therefore help to reduce the level of homocystein, which causes fatty plaque buildup in arteries.

Skin care: The benefits of almond for skin care are well known, and hence a massage with almond oil is often recommended for new born babies. Almond milk is also added in some soaps as almonds help in improving the complexion of the skin.

Regulates blood pressure: Potassium present in almond helps to regulates blood pressure. Almonds are very low in sodium which also helps in containing blood pressure.

Prevention of cancer: Almond improves the movement of food through the colon, thereby preventing colon cancer.

Protection against diabetes: Almonds also help in reducing the rise in sugar and insulin levels after meals. This offers protection from diabetes.

Good in pregnancy: Almond contains folic acid. Folic acid helps to reduce the incidence of birth defects in newborn babies.

Weight loss: Unsweetened almond milk helps one to reduce weight. The mono-saturated fat contained in almonds satisfies appetite and prevents over-eating. Studies have revealed that almond rich low calorie diet is good for obese people to assist in shedding their weight.

Prevention of constipation: Almonds are rich in fibre. Like most other fibre rich food, almonds also help in preventing constipation. Make sure you drink good amount of water after eating almonds.

Boosts energy: The presence of manganese, copper and Riboflavin helps in energy production.

One avoids the risk of Alzheimer's disease by consuming almonds. But just like any other food, even almonds have their cons. They contain oxalates and excessive oxalates can cause crystallization. So people having kidney or gallbladder problems should avoid eating almonds.

Health Benefits of Tulsi (Holy Basil)

Tulsi, known as Holy Basil in English is a common herb found in most of Indian homes as a part of their spiritual and also its medical properties. A herb standing not more than 3 feet, with small green leaves, tulsi has immense medicinal properties like anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, germicidal etc... from its essential oils. The extracts obtained from the plant are extensively used for curing various diseases like common cold, malaria, heart disease, headaches, inflammation, stomach disorders, kidney stones, heart disorders, and many more. The Indian basil also aids in the purification of atmosphere. Though it is not practical to list all of them, take a look at how you could benefit from it.

Common cold and fever

The benefits of tulsi has been proven in science that tulsi based cough syrup has been out in the market.
For the simple reason that its caused by various viruses, the body never gets immunity against them. The only way body can fight common cold is by consuming something with anti-viral properties usually in the form of tablets/syrups. Tulsi can be natural medicine towards common cold because of its anti-viral properties. A common way to exercise tulsi is by collecting a bunch of its leaves, washing them, placing them on one of your palms and rubbing them vigorously with the thumb of your other hand to get the juice out of the leaves. Let the juice drip down through your fingers and you can collect them in a bowl. A tablespoon of juice will do the job. Tulsi juice is bitter. A good option is to add a bit of honey into it, mix it and have it. Recommended dosage would be twice a day. Fever is caused majorly by viruses, bacteria and protozoa, fever can be simple fever to fatal ones like Malaria and flu. The application of tulsi in fever has been practiced in India for years, right from the days Ayurveda started to be documented. The best way is to prepare a tulsi decoction along with black pepper and drink it twice a day. The anti-viral, germicidal properties do their job.

For malaria fever: Mix 5-7 leaves with powdered black pepper and eat the mixture.
For fever:It is every effective in bringing down the high temperature.Extract of tulsi leaves in fresh water should be given every 2 to 3 hours.

Respiratory disorders
Tulsi essential oil contains Camphene, Cineole and Eugenol. These oils help get relief during respiratory disorders like bronchitis, pharyngitis, chest congestion, asthma and common cough. Drinking tulsi decoction twice in a day will help you get a good relief and resistance towards these disorders. If you steam, you can also put few leaves or flowers into the water in the vaporizer.

For cough: One of the easiest home remedies for a cough is Tulsi. For any kind of cough, drink drink Tulsi tea. Add 5-10 tulsi leaves to hot water and let it boiled for couple of minutes. Then drink it number of times a day.
For asthma: Mix black tulsi with and take regularly. This helps in reducing asthmatic complaints.

Anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties
Tulsi is an effective medicine towards recovery of lung cancer and tuberculosis cause by smoking. The anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties aren't strong enough to stop them while smoking; however it may delay the consequence or may reduce the impact.

Oral health
Though bitter chewing tulsi leaves fight against bad breath and is a good mouth freshener. However it is not recommended to chew it for a very long time as it may cause blisters and burn in your mouth. Over 99% germs are destroyed by chewing tulsi leaves and this has been proved in studies which validates that the anti-bacterial and germicidal properties do work. Tulsi also has astringent properties that help the gums hold the teeth.

Eye Protection
Water in which tulsi leaves has been soaked, when used to rinse your eye reduces the eyes' vulnerability to conjunctivitis, vision defects, boils, viral and bacterial infections in the eye. Camphene is a cooling agent. Eugenol has antioxidant properties that protect eyes and other organs from free radicals. These properties reduced the stress in and around the eye. People staring at the computer screen for a long time can feel the difference. It is also believed that tulsi can reduce changes of cataract.

Migraine and other headaches
Headaches resulting from sinus, migraine and common cold can be cured with tulsi. Tulsi has got analgesic and sedative properties due to camphene. It boots your immune system against sinus, common cold, pharyngitis etc… Tulsi is one of the main ingredients found in ayurvedic supplements like Chyawanprash and other lehyams.

Sparkling enope squids also known as firefly squids [Toyama Bay, Japan] which average about 15cm long and die after only a year of life. Found in the depths of the Western Pacific ocean, they come up to the surface at night to hunt for food. The bioluminescence which lights up the photo is produced by organs called photophores, which are located at the end of each tentacle. The squids use this light to lure the prey and attract a mate.

Dermatological benefits
Tulsi decoction and water soaked with tulsi is a good mosquito repellent when applied to the skin externally. It's antibacterial, antifungal and germicidal properties protects the skin from general infections caused by fungus and bacteria, skin irritations, boils, acne, pimples etc… Camphene is a cooling agent and therefore you would feel relaxed in the applied area.

For Eczema: Mix black tulsi juice with vinegar and with butter is beneficial for conditions.

For a fainting person: Rub black Tulsi Juice (few drops) on the hands and feet of a person who has fainted.

For ear ache: Tulsi leaves heat in water used as drugs cures ear ache.

For heart burn: Chewing basil leaves every morning will prevent heart burn completely.

For vomitting relief: Tulsi seed mixed with Curd or Honey stops vomiting in children.

For joint pain: Mix 10 grams of Tulsi juice with 10 grams of Ginger juice and drink it.

For indigestion: It is said that if you mix black tulsi leaves with almonds and 4 powdered cardamoms and take it , it is good for indigestion.

For kidney stones: Consuming basil leaves is known to get rid of kidney stones.
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